Christmas Is Over – Ready For the New Year

Today is December 28th and I am so excited Christmas is over!  I know a lot of people feel a little down after Christmas, but I feel excited that there is a new year to look forward to.  


Minialist Christmas

Every Christmas we drive 30 minutes away and stay the night at my parent’s home.  We decided to stay two nights because we were having so much fun.  There are a few family traditions that I look forward to each year.

The kids get new pajamas on Christmas Eve that they get to wear that night and we always work on a puzzle on Christmas day. 

This year we added a new tradition.  We drove around and saw some really spectacularly decorated homes in the area.

The kids loved it and I was amazed at the amount of work that went into decorating these homes.

We spent Christmas morning opening a few gifts and listening for Santa. 

Every Christmas morning for the last 90 plus years Santa has visited every street in my Parent’s town on the fire truck.

We listen for the siren all morning until he drives down our street.  It is very exciting for a 2 and 4-year-old!


Christmas Is Over – Ready For the New Year



The day after Christmas we went for a hike. 

It was more of a walk in nature, but it was really nice to get out of the house.  I always feel better when I can get outside and go for a walk. 

The kids had so much fun climbing on the rocks at the park.

Christmas Is Over - Ready For the New Year

Decorations Down

By the time we got back to our house all I wanted to do was put everything away including the Christmas decorations. 

I am ready to have my simple home back as soon as Christmas is over!

I know a lot of people keep the decorations up until New Year’s Day.  Personally, I can’t wait to put them away.

Before we decorated this year I went through all of our decor and decluttered.  Anything I didn’t want to use was donated. 

When I was putting the decorations away I went through again and found a handful of items that I didn’t think we would need next year.

Even with a very minimal amount of decor, I still have visions of going to Hawaii for Christmas and not having to decorate or get gifts.  Now that would be a really awesome Christmas!


Now that the holidays are over I am looking forward to getting back into a really good schedule.  Working out is at the top of my list, what is something you are looking to start in the new year?

I am starting the month out with a No Spend January.  We will try not to buy anything, check back later this month to see how its going!


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Christmas Is Over - Ready For the New Year

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