How To Declutter Christmas Decorations – 5 TIPS
Today I am sharing how to declutter Christmas decorations – 5 tips that work!
During the last 2 years of decluttering my Christmas decorations, I have picked up some simple tips. Anyone can simplify their stuff it just takes some time and effort.
When I was younger I kept everything! I would keep little scraps of paper and tickets.
Keeping every card that was ever given to me! I totally understand how Christmas decorations can be sentimental, but I also don’t want to store 5 bins of decor that I only use once a year.
Here are five simple ways to cut down on your Christmas decor before it takes over your entire storage area.
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I like to ask myself a simple question. Did I use this “decor item” last year? If the answer is no then I ask, “Will I use it this year?” If the answer is no again, I donate the item.
I know if I don’t use something two years in a row I am probably never going to use it again. If this is a sentimental item I might take a picture of it or I might see if a relative wants it.
When cleaning things out I try to remember that the item doesn’t do anyone any good sitting in a box rotting away.
Declutter and Organize Christmas Decor
In this video, I help my mom go through all of her Christmas decorations. We made a goal to get rid of at least one bin of decorations.
Since Christmas decor can be very sentimental it did take us a little while to get through the process, but we were able to empty a whole bin!
This year I set a goal to get all of my Christmas decorations into one large bin. Last year I had 3 bins! This year when I brought out the Christmas decor I had 2 large bins.
I knew there were things I didn’t want to use. By deciding to only keep one bin of Christmas decor, I knew anything that didn’t fit into that bin was going.
When packing away my decorations I started with the items I knew I wanted to keep for sure.
As the bin was filling up I started to set aside anything that had no meaning or that I felt served no purpose. Surprising myself I was able to get everything into one large bin. The lid barely fits on, but that is beside the point.
Anytime I am decluttering I try to think about how I want my space to look when I am finished.
By making the goal to have everything in one bin it makes it much easier to decide what to keep and what to declutter.
Having a decluttering goal really helps with the process. I usually pick something easy and obvious. For instance, if I am decluttering my closet I might say I want all my clothes to fit into one side of the closet.
As I am making progress and when the goal is met I can stop decluttering and see how I feel.
PICK a Christmas Decor Theme
Picking a decorating theme this year really helped me downsize. I decided anything super bright and flashy was going to be donated.
Anything worn out or broken was also going. In the past I might have glued an ornament back together, but not this year.
When I unpacked my decorations this year I knew anything faded was going.
When I saw the old Christmas towels come out, it was an easy decision. Plus I already have enough kitchen towels I don’t need Christmas ones once a year.
All of these decluttering decisions are going to be unique to your situation. Try to weigh the importance of decorating one time a year versus storing bins in your home for the entire year.
When decluttering Christmas decorations I try to think of the future. If I am contemplating donating an item, I pretty much know it can go.
The thing is, if you wanted to keep it you would never question getting rid of it in the first place.
Thinking about the future always helps when cleaning things out.
I think about how easy it will be to unpack these decorations next year.
Think about how much fun it will be to decorate because I am keeping everything I love. If I were to move in the future it would be so easy to grab this one box knowing everything I want is in here.
Read More Christmas Tips and Tricks:
How to get Ready for Christmas by December 1st
30 Unforgettable Christmas Traditions New and Old
Minimalist Christmas Home Tour
Christmas Aesthetic Photos and Ways to Get in the mood for Winter!
How Much Space Does Your Decor Take?
Decluttering Christmas decorations takes up space. I have always been very organized, but it wasn’t until I started decluttering that I found space.
There is something really important about space. Imagine a shelf covered with doodads and trinkets and somewhere on that shelf is a really beautiful vase.
You probably don’t even notice it!
Now imagine a clean shelf with one or two things and a beautiful vase. The vase is going to stand out!
This is how I feel about decorating with space in mind. I like to have some space between objects. This space makes my whole house feel light and fresh.
I also think of the space I am gaining by decluttering the decor I am not using. Now I have more room in my garage. I am not going to use this new “room” to fill with more stuff.
I will use this newfound space as a breathing room for the things I am keeping. It will be much easier to get my Christmas decorations out next year.
We won’t have to move 5 bins to get out the 5 bins that were blocking the other 5 bins. You get my point =)
I hope these tips have been helpful in your Christmas decluttering journey. You will thank me next year when it takes you 5 minutes to put everything away.
Below are the twinkle lights we use all December and I LOVE!
Christmas Clean up:
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