Indoor Plants for Improving Air Quality
Houseplants can create a beautiful aesthetic for your home while providing some pretty incredible health benefits.
Many indoor plants can clean your indoor air by removing toxins and filtering the air naturally. With so much of your time spent indoors, it can do wonders for your health and happiness.
Here are 10 indoor plants for improving air quality. And don’t worry, many of these amazing plants are low maintenance.
10 Indoor Plants for Improving Air Quality
1. Golden Pothos
Also called Devil’s Ivy, this indoor plant is an easy-to-grow plant in just about any setting. It’s a vining plant and looks great hanging from the ceiling in the corner of your room or sitting on top of a favorite bookshelf.
This plant loves moisture, so be sure to water it as soon as the soil feels dry.
It will remove common toxins such as xylene, benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air.
2. Peace Lily
Peace lilies are a low-maintenance plant to have indoors with their bright green leaves and beautiful white lilies.
You can keep peace lilies in spots with low light. But if you want more lilies, you’ll want to set it up in a location with more lighting but avoid direct light because it can scorch the leaves.
Adding fertilizer in the spring can also help you grow more lilies, but keep this one away from pets.
The peace lily is great at filtering out carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene.
3. Spider Plant
Spider plants are great beginner plants as they thrive in indirect light and can survive neglectful conditions.
The spider plant is also easy to propagate to add more spider plants to your home.
It grows little shoots of baby spider plants called spiderettes you can trim and place in water to grow roots. It also is nontoxic for animals and removes formaldehyde and xylene.
4. Rubber Plants
Rubber plants are a surprisingly low-maintenance plant that looks amazing in the home. It grows thick dark purple-green leaves and is one of the better indoor plants to clean your air.
It can stay small or grow large if you pot it in a large planter. Set your rubber plant in bright, filtered like, and keep the soil moist. Be careful as this plant is toxic to pets. It removes xylene, benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air.
5. Dracaena
The dracaena is a great plant to help you fill out those empty spaces with a unique tropical vibe.
This plant can grow pretty tall with enough room. It thrives on indirect sunlight, and in warmer months, only water once a week to avoid root rot.
The dracaena filters out xylene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde.
6. Boston Fern
Ferns are lush green plants with feather-like fronds that prefer a humid environment in indirect sunlight near windows.
They are a little more on the high-maintenance side but definitely worth the trouble.
You will need to keep your fern’s soil nice and moist, and a little regular misting helps. They are not only nontoxic to your pets but also rid the air of toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.
7. Snake Plant
Another low-maintenance plant for you that can thrive on neglect. These indoor plants survive best in a desert-like environment and prefer dryer conditions.
For lighting, you can place these plants just about anywhere. It’s recommended you water when the top two inches of soil are completely dry as you want to avoid overwatering.
It can remove toxins such as formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide, toluene, trichloroethylene, benzene, and xylene and can help you sleep better at night with the amount of oxygen it produces.
8. Chrysanthemum
Adding a pop of bright, lush greens to your home is great, but adding an air-filtering flowering plant is always better.
The Chrysanthemum provides you with brilliant pink blooms and loves the sun. They are a bit more difficult to grow as they need good airflow and prefer warm water.
This plant can remove ammonia. Benzene, xylene, and formaldehyde from your air. Here is some good information on how to care for them.
9. Chinese Evergreen
The Chinese evergreen is easy to care for and looks great in any space. It can come in several varieties to add some pops of color while reaping the air-purifying benefits.
It thrives in lower to medium light conditions and can reach up to 1 to 2 feet tall. Be careful as this one is also toxic to pets. It can remove formaldehyde and xylene from the air.
10. Bamboo Palm
Bamboo palms are an eye-catching plant that can make a great floor piece in your home and can grow up to 12 feet high in the right conditions. The bamboo palm prefers low to medium light and you’ll want to be sure the soil dries completely before watering.
The bamboo palm is also nontoxic to pets. This plant filters out formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene from your air.
Adding plants to your home can help create a healthier indoor environment for you and your family.
Not to mention plants have been known to improve your mood, enhance your concentration and memory, and help reduce stress and fatigue.
There’s a great indoor houseplant perfect for any area in your home to help you purify the air and make your space look great.
Indoor plants are one way to improve your quality of life. Check out my YouTube channel for quick and easy tips on organizing and decluttering your home to help you destress and live better.
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