How to Achieve Your New Year’s Goals

new year goals

What did you accomplish in the last decade?  Each year we resolve to accomplish more and become the best version of ourselves.  Did you accomplish at the end of the year what you set out to do in the beginning?  Today I am sharing a few tips on how to achieve your new year’s goals.

Since we are starting a new decade I think it is a good idea to reflect on what you accomplished in the last decade.  Marie Forleo has an excellent article on how to do a decade in review.  I normally don’t fill out these types of self-reflective things, but I must say this review gave me a great perspective on how much can be accomplished in ten years.  Make sure you get your free goals printable below.

How to Reach Your New Year Goals:

10 Year Review

Some of the questions I answered are; what are you proud of ?, what obstacles did you overcome?, and what results were created?  All of these questions showed me how much can be accomplished in 10 years.

Back in 2010, I was still living in New Zealand, since then we have moved back to California, had 2 kids, bought a house, sold that house, and bought another house. 

I guess my point is a lot can happen in a span of ten years that we don’t really notice until we stop and think about it.

The most important thing the year review showed me is having a goal or many goals is important.  Goals help us stay on track!

Set Goals

You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down.  Writing a goal down makes it real as opposed to it just being a random idea. 

Once you write down a goal you can start to plan the baby steps needed to accomplish the goal.

Here is how I set my goals.  First make a list of long-term goals, the things that will take time to accomplish. 

Maybe you want to pay off your mortgage, buy a home, or start a business.  The second thing I do is make a list of goals that can be accomplished in one year. 

If I want to pay off my mortgage for instance I might need to get a second job or find ways to save money.  My yearly goals list would include all of these. 

I would break these goals down even further into monthly and weekly goals.

My weekly goal might be to find ways to eat inexpensively so I can save money.  The monthly goal would be to save a certain amount of money by taking action each day to help me reach my monthly and eventually year goal.

Break all of your goals down into bite-size things that you can do each day to chip away at your goal.

Daily Goals

Make your daily goals achievable.  Start with something easy to accomplish in one day or in 5 minutes of one day.

When I decided to declutter everything in my house I realized this was a long-term goal.  Imagine how overwhelming it would be to declutter your whole home in one day or even one week. 

I ended up breaking up the decluttering.  Decluttering the right way takes time and effort. 

Each week I made a goal to declutter one area of my home, for instance, the garage one weekend or the kitchen. 

I would break this up even more when I was feeling overwhelmed.  Sometimes I would only declutter one drawer or one cupboard.

After a year of decluttering, had decluttered and organized my entire home.

Get Specific

Get really specific about your goals.  For instance, if you want to lose weight write down exactly what you plan to do that week. 

Saying I want to lose 10 pounds is too vague.  Write the exact problem foods you will cut out and the exercise routine you plan to do. 

An example would be this week I will eat oatmeal every morning and I will walk 20 minutes after I drop the kids off at school.  The more specific you are about what the goal is and when it will happen the more likely you are to accomplish it.

Change If Needed

Change your goals and adapt them if needed.  When I started my YouTube channel my goal was to get 1000 subscribers.  This wasn’t a year goal, but just a goal that I had until I achieved it. 

After 6 months of making two videos a week, I realized I wasn’t growing as much as I wanted to and on that path, I would never get to 1000 subs. 

I had to change what I was doing.  Making 2 videos a week wasn’t enough, so I did some research and decided to make my channel more niche and do some collaborations.  After I made these simple changes I hit 1000 subscribers. 

This proved to me sometimes our goals have to shift to actually hit the larger goal we have set.

How do I know setting goals works?  Well, a year and 7 months after hitting 1000 subscribers I now have 17,000 subscribers.  Last year the goal I had set for this year was to have 10,000 subscribers and my goal for 2020 was to have 20,000.

We are at the end of 2019 and I already have 17,000.  The amount of subscribers doesn’t really matter, what matters is setting goals, writing them down, and changing your path to get there if needed.

Achieve Your Goals Conclusion

  • Review what you have achieved in the last 10 years.
  • Set Large Sky is the limit Goals
  • Make smaller goals that can be broken down into actionable steps.
  • Take the actionable steps every day to reach your goal.
  • Once you have reached your goal celebrate and set a new goal.

PIN How to Reach Your New Year Goals:

new years goals


Read More:

20 Reasons your House still looks Cluttered

How Often Should You Declutter?

How to declutter without feeling Guilty

Decluttering Help – Helping a Friend Declutter

Decluttering your Home With Kids

What Changed After I Decluttered the Kid Stuff

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  1. I love your channel and now have discovered your website. I started a website last year but did not know what I was doing on how to actually make it profitable. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!
    Teresa ?

    1. Thank you! I will check out your website. I hope you are having a great day.

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