10 Things To Do At Night For a Productive Morning

10 Things to do at night for a Productive Morning

Here are 10 things to do at night for a productive morning.  There are a few key things I like to do at night that will ensure a smooth sailing productive morning.  Mornings are hard to deal with so why not do as much as you can the night before.


10 Things To Do At Night For a Productive Morning


Wash The Dishes

Every night I try to wash all of the dishes.  Currently, we don’t have a dishwasher so I clean them and set them on the counter to dry. 

If I have time I like to dry everything and put them away.  This ensures a really great start to my morning.


Do a Kitchen Once Over

Look around your kitchen at night and see if there is anything that needs to be done.  This is the first place that I start my day with breakfast and coffee, so the night before I like to check and see if there is anything that might slow me down.

Does the trash need to go out?  Can I wipe down the counters?  Look for anything that would get in the way or slow down your morning routine.  

Tonight, for instance, I washed the dishes and put them away, but then I noticed that there were no bags in the trash cans. 

I also noticed the counter and stove needed to be wiped down. 

These few tasks only took about 10 minutes, but if I waited until the morning I would be late to get out the door.


Stage Your Morning Routine

I like to stage my morning the night before.  My five-year-old makes his own waffles (pretty simple, it’s like making toast with a waffle), but he has a hard time reaching the plates so I like to get that ready for him the night before. 

I also like to stage what I am going to eat in the morning, my usual is coffee and oatmeal.  By getting the items out on the sink the night before it’s one less thing to do in the morning.

Program the coffee machine so when you get up your coffee is ready and waiting for you.


Make Your Lunch

If you work away from home make your lunch the night before.  When I use to work in an office I always set up my lunch the night before so all I had to do was add the cold pack and pull it out of the fridge. 

Now that I have kids I like to get their lunches ready the night before too.  Bringing your lunch will save you so much money!



I have two small children so you can imagine what the floor looks like after dinner. 

Quickly going over the floors with the vacuum after dinner is the best way to make my home clean for the morning. 

This is a task I only do if the floors are bad and I have time, but when I do my home looks so good in the morning. 


General Tidy

This is not the time to clean your whole house unless you want to.  I am suggesting a general tidy to set everything in order before morning.  My usual nighttime tidying is picking up pillows from the floor, putting shoes away, picking up any leftover toys.

By putting these items away I wake up to a home that looks put together, plus it helps us from running around searching for lost shoes and tripping over toys.  


Set Out Your Clothes

Now that I am using a capsule wardrobe picking out my clothes is easier than ever, but I still find it helpful to figure out what I am going to wear the night before. 

This is a great task for my children too, they can set out their clothes for the morning and save a lot of time and hassle. 

I noticed when I do pick out my clothes the night before I normally look a little more put together and I save a lot of time. 


Productive Morning


Have a Staging Area

I like to stage all of the things I plan to take with me for the day in one area. 

In our kitchen, which is right next to the front door, I have a basket where I keep my purse, keys, and everything I need for the day. 

My husband has his own basket where he keeps his keys, wallet, phone, and sunglasses.

Before we made this staging area with a basket he would forget something every day.  Now it is pretty rare when something is forgotten.  Again this is just one more way to stay organized and save time in the morning. 


Make a List

Productive Morning


Each night I like to look at my calendar and check out what I have planned for the coming day.  Usually, I have a few goals that I want to accomplish each day so that is when I will jot them down. 

This takes only a minute or two but helps me stay on task in the morning and gets me thinking about what I need to do for the day. 

I have noticed making a list helps me to accomplish way more than if I just wing it. 


Go to Bed Early(ish)

I am more of a night person, but I have realized I need at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep to function properly. 

Figure out when you need to wake up and then count backward to know what time to go to bed.  That is right, give yourself a bedtime.

My bedtime is 11 pm at the latest since I have to be up by 6 am.  A while back I was waking up at 5 am and it was life-changing, but then my kids were hearing me and waking up way too early so I switched back to 6 am.

Everyone has different schedules, but having bedtime as an adult makes the mornings way more productive. 

These 10 things to do at night for a productive morning shouldn’t take long. 

This whole process normally takes me about 30 minutes depending on how many dirty dishes there are. 

By getting ready at night I am way more productive in the morning.  What are some things you do at night for a productive morning?

Read more about how to get productive here.


Do you know what made me super productive?

Decluttering all the unnecessary stuff from my life!  SOMETIMES ORGANIZING JUST ISN’T ENOUGH.  I WANT TO HELP YOU GAIN SOME TIME TOO!

If you are spending a ton of time continually organizing the same area, check out The Declutter Your Home Minicourse.  I created this course for anyone who is sick of all the time wasted tidying their home. 

This course is easy to follow and helps you figure out a decluttering schedule so you can declutter your entire home.

This is the perfect course for you if:

  • You worry about your home before having people over (aka shoving things in closets).
  • Things are always “missing” in your home.
  • You wonder why your home never looks clean or tidy, no matter how much cleaning you do.

If you need direction on how and where to start on your decluttering journey check out The Declutter Your Home Minicourse!


Read More Simple Living Posts:

How to declutter without feeling Guilty

Decluttering Help – Helping a Friend Declutter

Decluttering your Home With Kids

What Changed After I Decluttered the Kid Stuff


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How to have a productive morning

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