Mother’s Day Gift Ideas Your Mom Will Love!

What can you get a mom who has everything for Mother’s Day?  Here are some fun ideas!

Today I am sharing some excellent gift ideas for the MOM in your life!  All of these gifts are so easy to find and a lot of them can be purchased last second on the internet or at a local store. 

As a mom, I can tell you first hand, it is the thought that counts.  We will love anything that you put some energy and thought into getting or making for us.  Being a mom is a lot of work and the moms in our lives deserve the very best!

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Top Mother’s Day Gift Pick

My top pick for a Mother’s Day gift is the Aura Digital Frame!

This frame is amazing. I bought my mom one of these frames for her birthday and she loved it so much she bought me one for Mother’s Day last year.

We all take tons of photos with our phones but rarely do we do anything with them. This digital frame is the solution!

I think most moms or grandmas would love this gift. It’s really easy to use too. I can send photos to my mom’s frame and she can send photos to my frame from anywhere!


digital frame

Find The Best Price for the Aura Frame Here!


Silk Pillow Case

Another great gift is a silk pillowcase. I started using one after my mom recommended it to me.

It helps to keep my hair in better condition overnight. I also wake up with my face less smushed (if that’s a word).

“Silk pillowcases can keep you cool and dry all night long, prevent unruly cases of bed head, and help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.” According to experts!



Eco Mother’s Day Gifts

Green Pans: If you are looking for a great set of eco-friendly non-toxic pans.  We have been using these pans for almost a year and I love them.

Beeswax Wraps: These are amazing!  If you invest in some beeswax wraps you never have to buy cling wrap again and they are good for the environment. 

You can buy these at most stores, or online, or you can make your own. 

I have a tutorial on how to make them here.

Mother's day gift idea minimalist mom


Reusable strawsI love using reusable straws, they help the environment and they make drinking smoothies easier.

The bubba cup. – These cups are amazing, they keep your drink cold or hot for hours!

Reading: Get her the new Kindle to read her digital books.



-Subscription to something your mom likes to do.  I use Adobe Photoshop, that would be a great gift!  Online subscriptions to Netflix or Hulu.

-Grocery delivery service from Amazon Fresh!

Amazon gift cards, so they can buy anything they want.

-A gift certificate to get their hair done

-A massage gift certificate or to get their nails done

-A weekend away!


mother's day flowers



-Homemade lotion – I have a great recipe here!

-Photo slide show

-Make a movie of her favorite family photos or videos with free software so she can share it with her friends.  I like to use iMovie!



-Photo Album

-Handprints of kids

-Framed photos of your children

-Basket of all her favorite bathroom products

-Favorite foods or treats she loves



These seem obvious, but I am guessing most of you haven’t thought of them!

-Clean the house

-Make her breakfast

-Give her a day off, you take care of everything for a whole day.

-Do the laundry for a week

-Make dinner for a week

-Do the shopping for her

-Pick some flowers

-Plant some flowers

-Make plans for a fun-filled day! Whisk your mom away on a walk or to one of her favorite places.

One of the best Mother’s Day gifts I received was a handmade window box for my patio.  Every year we fill it with plants and it reminds me of how thoughtful my family can be!


More Mother’s Day Gift Ideas from Blogs I love:

Handmade Mother’s Day – Farm House On Boone

Mother’s Day Gifts – Box Wood Avenue

All of these gifts are something she can use, but won’t make clutter. 

I think that is the biggest thing to keep in mind for the minimalist or simple-living mom.

Leave me a comment with the best Mother’s Day gift you have ever received.


PIN Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for the Minimalist Mom:


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